Monday, November 4, 2013

Pumpkins and Halloween

First of all I show you the pictures of the farmers market I couldn't show you the last time.
In school there wasn't anything special happening. I'm still doing diving and I think I'm getting better and better. Here a few videos:

I might will do a separate post about my daily routine and school. On October 25th we had our final game in Cass City and it was really cool. We performed together with the Cass City marching band. In general it is getting colder and colder, but luckily it isn't snowing yet. So marching band is now over and we are starting concert band. You  might ask yourself now which instrument I will play. Definitely not the trumpet. :) I am renting a cello!! I am so excited, that I finally can play an instrument I am actually able to play.
The next weekend we carved pumpkins. :) That was so much fun. But first on Saturday we went to my host mom's friends for making apple cider. Mmmh..

my cute pumpkin


After carving pumpkins, we went to a YFU Halloween party.

It was a fun afternoon and it was nice to see some of the exchange students again.
On Tuesday the Swim team was dismissed early, because we had to drive three hours up to Gaylord. As I wasn't diving this nigh,t I tried to make some pictures.
On Thursday October 31st it was time for Halloween. I went to a friend and we passed out Candy to little kids at her church. I think at our house there was just one kid. So I had to eat the rest of the Candy ;).
On Friday in first hour I had history and my teacher is University of Michigan fan. I first might have to tell that there was the big football game yesterday (Saturday). Michigan State University against University of Michigan. So my teacher put on the song of the university and she was of course dressed up. In the next room there was a State fan teacher who put the State song on. So that was a really fun hour. The cross country team went to the state finals, so the whole school went outside, when they left. I just love the spirit here.
Next week the Swim team has ISC Championship and then our season ends.. :( Yesterday we had the last team bonding.
Seraina <3

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Spirit Week and Homecoming

30 September - 6 September was a really busy week.  Everyday there was a theme we had to dress up like.

Monday: Try hard vs. Lazy Day
Tuesday: Nerd vs. Jerks
Wednesday: Red Neck vs. City Day
Thursday: Baby vs. Old People
Friday: Purple vs. White

Our first S'mores (Exchange Girls)

 Friday we had a S'mores Party in history class. They were delicious! In the evening was the homecoming game and I first marched in the Parade through the whole town to the stadium and then we performed our show on the field.

My niece and me after half-time Show

On saturday was the HOMECOMING DANCE.  We took pictures at a friend's house.

The dance was so much fun. We also had a photo booth.
I was so tired but happy when I returned home. But instead of relaxing the next day, I was marching in another parade. It was Pumpkin Festival in Caro and there was a big parade and a lot of things to look at.

As you can see, it was a really busy weekend. The next week was definitely easier. On Tuesday the Swim Team was dismissed at 1:40, because we had to drive a long time to our meet.  That was so cool.

This Weekend we went to a farmers market. I will load up pictures as soon as possible.

Seraina <3

Saturday, October 5, 2013

First Footballgame & YFU Meeting

This blog entry is about my first footballgame and the YFU Meeting two weeks ago. (21/22 September) I just got the pictures on my laptop.
Before two weeks I saw the first time a footballgame live and I could march with the band over the field! That was an unforgettable experience!



Our Caro Tigers won! That was really cool. The next day my mom, 2 other exchange students and me went to Clio for the YFU Orientation. (Unfortunately I missed a big swim meet in Traverse City)I met so many nice people at the orientation. We learned a lot about how to solve several problems. There was a girl who changed her family the next day and she is now in Caro too. That's perfect!

My next blog entry will be about Spirit Week and Homecoming!! (which is this Weekend)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

My first week

I'm really sorry, but the last week I was so busy, that I havn't found a moment to write a new blog entry...It happened a lot!

So I'll start at the beginning:
friday morning (6. Sep.) I had to say goodbye to my family. At this moment I didn't realize that I saw them the last time for a quite long time. With 5 other Exchange students, I got into the plane and then we took off to our first destination; Washington DC. After the immigrations, we met our YFU Staff and the other Exchange students from Germany. 7 hours we had to wait until we could continue our jouney to Chicago, where we spent the night. All were really tired from the long trip. The next morning we went to Chicago Airport to complete our jouney by flying to our final Destination. Two german students and me got with a really small plane (I think about 20-30 seats) to Saginaw, Michigan, where our families were waiting for us.

My luggage

Me at Zurich Airport

over the sea

Chicago by night

Chicago Airport
My host famly:
My hostmom (Sheri), my hostsister (Elise), my two hostbrothers (Greg and Geoff), Geoff's wife (Jenn) and their daughter (MaKenzie). My hostsiblings are all college age or older. So Sheri, Elise and MaKenzie waited at the Airport for me and after we got all my luggage, we went together with another family, who also took an Exchange Student to a Restaurant for dinner. At home, I just put away my suitcase and then I went quite early to bed. Sunday we filled out the formulars for School and I watched my first footballgame on TV! Sheri tried to explain my a bit, how it works, but I didn't remember anything..

Monday was my first school day! We picked up a girl who lives near our house and then we went to school. For the registration we needed my passport, so we returned home and got it. The second time we forgot our documents and then finally we were done. The counselor of the school introduced me to every teacher and I started with my second class; English Literature 11. I undertood nothing of the book we were reading and I also didn't like the teacher. So the next morning I went to the Guidance Office and I could change it into Introduction to Photography. Much better! All the other teacher a really nice and friendly!
My schedule
So as you see on the schedule, I have the following classes this Trimester: U.S. History, Introduction to Photograpy, Spanish 3, Band and Algebra 2.
This week I had already 5 Tests. A few of them were just small ones (called quiz) and the other ones were normal tests. I really like band but the Problem was, that neither a Cello nor a piano is practical for marching.. :)
So I  will learn a completely new instrument: the trumpet!
My trumpet

The last week we always went on the field to practice marching with the coordinate sheets. It's quite complecated, but I'm getting better and better. :)

After school I practice diving in the swim&dive Club. I started Wednesday and on Thursday I had my first competition (here they call it 'meet') in Bay City, but I just did 2 dives instead of 6. It was just to get a bit the Feeling for it. The Problem is, that our Swimming pool can't be heat up for the next few weeks, because something is broken, so it's really cold. But that's always the Problem by diving; you do your dives and then, when you get out of the pool until your next dive, you're freezing! Yesterday I did two more dives. Because I don't get my competition suit yet, I just take my practice suit.

Now at the Weekend I'm more or less just relaxing. On monday I will have my NWEA Test in maths and last week I had it in english. You have to get a certained score, of course I didn't get it, so I just have to improve next trimester by 4 ponints and that's definitely possible, because then I have more vocabuary and understand what they want from me.. :)

I will upload some pictures from diving and my arrival soon, but they are still on the camera from my hostmom..
our dogs (Libby and Zoe)

back yard
road where we live
road, other side

My room   
the house


the kitchen

living room
Have a great weekend!!

yours, Seraina

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Host Family *_*

Jejjj!! I haven't thought that I could tell you one day later that I finally got a host family!! I will spend my year in Caro,  Michigan! Although I was assigned to the Horizon District of YFU, I will now spend my year in the Founders District.

Here a quick view:

(Kentucky should be dark-blue)
Horizon (red), Founders (yellow)

Well, I can't tell you something about my family, because I don't know anything. I am the first student they host, so they have to pass through the process from YFU. I will stay with my area representative for the first two weeks and then I will change to my host family. My area rep. also lives in Caro, so I don't have to change the school.

I'm just so happy and I'm really looking forward to next friday, when I will fly to my new home!

Yours Seraina

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Still waiting

Actually I don't have any news, but I will provide you an insight into the process. Last Friday  my contact person from YFU told me, that I can't fly on Tuesday (27th of August), because I don't have a host family and a school. So now I'm displaced on the 6th of September.
More details: In fact I had a few families who all were willing to host me. But every time the school was the problem, because either the places for exchange students were already assigned, or the school doesn't take exchange students. My contact person also told me, that there are other countries, which are still available. There are two countries I like. I also had a look at them before. (I think it was November) So the two candidates beside the USA are Estonia and Chile. But all countries except the USA are already gone and they all had a pre-orientation camp, which I would miss. But I would have a place in both countries..
So now I have to think about all these options and I will also talk to my contact person again. The situation is really nerve-stretching, especially for my parents, but also for me..

I hope to get some good news soon!!

Yours Seraina <3

Saturday, August 10, 2013

17 days left


My name is Seraina and I live in Switzerland. My expected departure date is the 27th of august. That means I've got 17 days left to say goodbye to my relatives and friends, to pack my suitcase, to buy presents for my host family, etc.
Unfortunately I neither know the place I'm gonna stay nor my host family..
Every day I'm getting a bit more nervous, but I'm still optimistic, that I can leave Switzerland on the above mentioned date. The organization YFU (Youth for Understanding) will oversee my exchange year. I will also report about my experiences on the home page of YFU Switzerland. For everybody who is interested:
Well, that's all for now. I will tell you, when I get some news!
